How to Make a Dovetail

Designed for: Class - Graphic Design 1

As a subset of my Wood and Wire project I made a how to guide for making dovetails.

iPhone_how to3.jpg

Initial Design

In the How To I chose to use the Wood and Wire color pallet. I darkened the wood in locations to match with the action required in each step. To keep the design cohesive I used a consistent perspective and maintained line weights throughout.

The initial project specified a maximum of 5 steps and a word limit of 30. The limitations forced me to particular about the images I chose to use and concise in my descriptions.

dovetail-guide-1 copy.jpg

Further Edits

After finishing the project for my class I wanted to continue improving it. I posted it on Reddit asking for advice. I then went back to my design, flipped the order of some of my steps, expanded the number of steps, and refined the step descriptions.


Wood and Wire


Personal Pictograms